Author: M

  • Geeking up with SSL and IPv6

    In an attempt to keep our geek status cred relevant, recently we enabled both SSL security and IPv6 on the blog. Dreamhost (our hosting provider) facilitates both of these options quite smoothly – both are (mostly) just a few dashboard panel clicks away.

    SSL security is the little green box or lock icon in your web browser, which you’ve likely come to expect when logging into your banking site or other sensitive service. Our motivation to add this is to allow secure viewing of our pervy content, where prying eyes of an open wireless cafe may be a concern.

    IPv6 is a “next generation Internet Protocol”, which in non-technical speak essentially means that every server (this web site) and client (your computer or mobile) has a unique IP address. The traditional version 4 protocol only supported a limited number of these addresses (remember that the Internet was originally envisioned as a US specific network to stay available in case of nuclear attack – the original design criteria was never meant to scale all around the world). IPv6 significantly increases the pool size of these address, most major content providers (Facebook, Google, Netflix, etc) all support IPv6 natively today. Again, these are both super geeky technical jargon – but the end result is more secure browsing and greater network access.

    For others who want to reproduce this, here’s the basic steps:

    • Request an IPv6 address (FREE!), following Dreamhost blog IPv6 announcement.
    • Request an SSL certificate ($15/yr), under the Domains – Secure Hosting – Secure Certificates panel.
    • Update all WordPress generated links to start with HTTPS, instead of HTTP – see convert links forum post.
    • Search and replace existing blog posts to use new HTTPS url, first retrieve database credentials:
    # grep DB_
    define('DB_NAME', 'kt_blog6');
    define('DB_USER', 'kt_blog6_user');
    define('DB_PASSWORD', '32fa798d0139f'); # Not our actual password, k thx
    define('DB_HOST', '');
    • Login to database with above credentials:
    # mysql -u kt_blog6 --password=32fa798d0139f -h kt_blog6
    • Find table containing blog entries:
    mysql> SHOW TABLES LIKE '%posts';
    | Tables_in_kt_blog6 (%posts) |
    | wp_hpnb5m_posts |
    • Change all entries URL and image links to HTTPS
    mysql> UPDATE wp_hpnb5m_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content,'','');
    Query OK, 78 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    Rows matched: 264 Changed: 78 Warnings: 0
  • Serious Kit – Electrically Engineered

    The past spring we had a chance to meet the proprietor of Serious Kit along with several hours to get a look at some of their gear in person. The bespoke company’s focus is, as you could imagine, on serious kit – specifically milking apparatuses. While not their sole item, the majority of the product offering is geared for cocks (though a breast variant is also available).


    Perverts turned entrepreneurs bring something special to their products, including ensuring their gear meets their own stringent demands. This could mean years of tinkering with a design, exhaustive quality assurance (tough job!), and of course, stressing over all the little details. This common story is very much true of the SK line, where “our kit is designed by fetishists, not accountants”.


    The craftsmanship speaks for itself – a clear departure from the established products (Venus 2000) with a modern, clean design (in fact, bondage furniture was a predecessor business). Each order is handcrafted in the UK, with numerous options; avoiding the “off the rack” factory aspect. The colored tubes indicate flow direction, critical for extended play with the lubrication reservoir. Refurbished milkers receive a beautiful chrome polish. The milkers can be used simply as milkers, or they can have e-stim electrodes integrated as well, depending on the particular model.


    We particularly liked the design of the bi and tripolar stainless steel rings for e-stim play. This paired with a butt plug electrode (such as Mr. S Leather’s WMCBP or E-Stim Systems Torpedo) would be sensory overload in the best way possible – bound to produce a “HFO” or hands-free orgasm.

    B and I are both fans of multi-hour long sessions, where the bondage turns into a therapeutic escape from everyday stress. Many would call this entering headspace, or focusing so heavily on the experience that all distractions melt away. SK summarized his own experiences in this realm as “It’s about the fun and pleasure… the pleasure that comes from pain”. Professional doms know this all too well, where competing purely on an exhaustive toy collection isn’t enough. Controlling a session, where sensations can be precisely adjusted is one of the primary advantages of the Serious Kit. The design allows for many different knobs to be turned, lending itself to the ability of producing multiple unique sessions using the same equipment.


    Though their main focus is intense genital stimulation with the milking machine, Serious Kit has begun to also offer an encompassing full body “neural novel stimulation” experience: the vac suit. The “vac suit” is essentially “a vac bed on acid” – based on a loose catsuit pattern, coupled with the milking machine, and retained vac bed-like suction. The suit is made of chlorinated rubber, both glued and sewn together, and designed as a “one size fits all”. My favorite story gem is “Germans love our suit for watersports, where the milker can suck away {all the mess}!”.

    It was truly a pleasure to geek out at Serious Kit headquarters, and we greatly appreciate SK taking the time to show off their kit and talk shop with us. And, personally, I’m certainly hoping Santa can deliver me a HFO for the holidays this year!

  • Rubber Converse reappear in late 2014

    Long lusted by latex and rubber fetishists, the “Chuck Taylor” rubber Converse sneakers have been reissued as of September 2014. The new edition has insulation and a hip color selection. We spotted this department store display recently, shockingly these are available for order in the US! The “Elderberry” (or purple) color is a real stand out, I wonder how well these would match with Radical Rubber‘s “Metallic Purple”..

    Black rubber "Chuck Taylor" Converse sneaker
    Black rubber “Chuck Taylor” Converse sneaker
    "Wear More Rubber" - rubber converse blue sneakers
    “Wear More Rubber” – rubber converse blue sneakers
  • Suiting up

    Life happens – we’ve been spending a ridiculous amount of time away from home. Friends, family, hobbies, and other commitments have left our schedule with little time for kink. We’ve been at the point of fantasizing about an actual weekend of no obligations, instead of pervy implements or sexual torture – this is no good. Of course this is all quite telling with the low frequency of blog posts – in fact I’m writing this entry during a long 6hr road trip.

    On both the adventure front and blog entries, we’re going to try to step these up. In a few weeks we’re heading to Europe for business. Thanks to some creative flight routing, we’ve been able to squeeze in a visit to thisgirl and grimly! The last (and well, frankly first) time we met was very brief, but it was thrilling to “talk shop” with like-minded couple. The spontaneous dungeon tour was a treat too!

    As many latex fetishists have experienced, catsuits can be forgiving but also very revealing. They can smooth or soften things out, but if it doesn’t fit – no amount of lube or talc will remedy the situation. Recently B had a chance to don her made-to-measure Libidex alien seduction catsuit. The colors are a mixture of classic black and electric rose, a new combination in our collection. The fit is great; she is hoping to wear this at some fetish clubs in the future.


    b-kinky in electric rose/black libidex alien seduction catsuit

    b-kinky in electric rose/black libidex alien seduction catsuit

  • Visiting This Girl and Grimly

    This spring B and I spent a few weeks in the UK. As a true vacation, at least for one of us, we were able to justify renting a car. This offered us the great luxury of last minute planning – handy when meeting busy perverts and kinky businesses.

    We’ve been admirers of This Girl’s blog for some time now. Her well-documented journey among many perversions is entertaining, realistic, and heartfelt. This Girl and Grimly were kind enough to welcome us over to their home and dungeon space. It was very liberating to “talk shop” with a couple that shares many of the same kinky interests as ourselves. Discussions quickly centered on BDSM toys, latex wares, and homemade gear.

    Grimly is a passionate engineer, eager to show off his decades of kit – each item with a background story. Grimly’s Chair displayed many parallels to JG-Leathers famous Creature (not surprising, JG is a good friend of theirs). Remote controllable, safety oriented, devious, powerful vacuum electro components, and of course – immobilization to the max.

    Due to some navigational challenges, we only had a few hours to chat, but departed inspired and with months of “to do” projects. And we hope to make it back to the UK sometime soon so that we can hang out with This Girl and Grimly a bit more, as they’re both lovely, interesting people.

    On a final note, Grimly’s latest adventure is his own store, Locked for Infinity. It’s well worth keeping an eye on, as Grimly makes high quality stuff and there are some exciting pieces that will eventually be available.

  • Review + Hack: Oxballs Sacksling

    I don’t entirely remember where we discovered the Oxballs brand, likely from a stroll at Mr. S or a horny 2am Fort Troff shopping binge. Their designs are quite unique and I’m told much of the early products were made within the US.

    One product in particular caught our kinky interest – the Sacksling “electro” edition. Our unit has a frosted silicone material sack with two removable conductive “contact” points.Oxballs Slingsack closeup These are shaped as small circles, about the diameter of small denomination currency coins. The mating connection is a female 4mm banana plug. The intention of the product is to “zap up” some pain across the scrotal area on the flat ball facing side of the metal contacts. The design is perfect for rapid deployment, as being bi-polar means no searching for another body part to complete the circuit.

    After a number of test runs, we discovered a major flaw – unless your balls are making solid direct contact, the e-stim can come across as very aggressive jolts (which may be the desired outcome for some masochists) instead of more soothing electro torture. This is especially relevant in non-standing positions, where gravity may not necessarily be on your side (again, choose your own adventure when it comes to electro torture). Conductive lube is critical for this application, sweat can easily build up in the sack – we use Spectra 360 gel.

    As we fancy ourselves as geeky types, we ended up adding a layer of Sugru to narrow the distance between the sack and contacting balls. Oxballs Sacksling Sugru hackSugru is a rubber-cement like product, think of it as Play-doh for adults that’s designed to harden on purpose. It’s a very popular crafting tool in the maker scene, with the added benefit of being safe against body contact too! The hack is simple and effective enough to tone down the jolting.

    One word of caution, the material of the sling is prone to rip easily and also doesn’t play well with other materials. We had one sling that had extreme discoloring only after a few months of infrequent use. Storing separate from other tools does appear to minimize the color changes.